Hemp Skincare
When it comes to skincare Hemp can't be beat...
Last November, for the second year running, Green Friday saw a percentage of all our sales over the weekend of 26-28 November put towards planting 1500 native trees.
While the trees themselves are precious and important to preserving New Zealand’s native biodiversity, they also serve another purpose. Each year, thousands of birds migrate from the braided rivers in the area to various parts of the east coast to breed. It is important that these birds can utilize migratory or “green” corridors to safely traverse the land on their way to their breeding grounds, and the trees that were planted provide an important “rest stop” on the way!
The fine folk at Blue Earth were kind enough to put on a Vegan BBQ for everyone involved. Their care and respect for the earth and all it’s native inhabitants is as genuine as it gets, and this comes through in both their company ethos and their hospitality!
All in all, it was a great day, and it’s thanks to all of YOU who shopped with us over that period! Wrap your arms around yourselves and have a big self-hug, courtesy of the planet, happy in the knowledge that what you contributed was put back into the earth and will continue to grow and support our beautiful wildlife.
Nga mihi ki te whenua!